Thursday, February 13, 2025

Asian Agri Extends Aid to Flood Victims in Indonesia

SINGAPORE, March 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Asian Agri, through its business units in North Sumatra, Riau and Jambi, recently demonstrated its commitment to the local communities surrounding its operational areas that were impacted by the recent floods.

Through the distribution of essential food packages (sembako), which took place from December 2023 to January 2024, immediate relief was provided to those in need from a total of 14 villages across the three provinces. A total of 4,550 kg of rice, 310 boxes of instant noodles, 100 litres of cooking oil and 108 trays of eggs were distributed by Asian Agri to these three provinces.

In North Sumatra, through PT Nusa Pusaka Kencana (PT. NPK) and PT Supra Matra Abadi (PT. SMA), aid was given to two villages.

In Riau province, aid was channelled through PT Inti Indosawit Subur (PT. IIS), PT Mitra Unggul Pusaka (PT. MUP), and PT. Rigunas Agri Utama (PT. RAU) to nine villages, including Pangkalan Kerinci Village, where PT. IIS coordinated its efforts through the Pelalawan Regency Social Affairs Office.

In Jambi province, PT Rigunas Agri Utama (PT. RAU) distributed aid to three villages.

Asian Agri, a member of the RGE group of companies founded by Sukanto Tanoto, is one of Indonesia’s largest palm oil producers. Head of Pelalawan Regency Social Affairs Office, Ewin Rommel MARS, expressed gratitude to Asian Agri for the flood relief assistance. He said, “This assistance is meaningful for the victims. The aid provided by all companies through the Social Affairs Office will be distributed along with the Flood Victim Handling Team of the Regency.”

“We hope for cooperation from more companies in the Pelalawan Regency area to support us in overcoming the ongoing flood situation. Considering that the flood has lasted nearly a month due to the overflow of the Kampar River caused by the heavy rainfall, it is indeed concerning to see our brothers and sisters affected by this flood disaster,” Ewin added.

Faizal Efendi, Village Secretary of the Tuo Sumay Village in Jambi province, also expressed his thanks to the company for the aid and said, “This assistance is crucial for the Tuo Sumay Village community. We hope the company continues to succeed, and the relationship between the village and the company improves even more in the future.”

Manager of Sustainability Operation and CSR at Asian Agri, Putu Grhyate Yonata Aksa, expressed concern for the flood victims in the three provinces, stating, “As a form of the company’s care for those affected by the flood, we provide assistance such as rice, instant noodles, cooking oil and eggs with different allocations in the affected regions. To ensure that the aid is distributed efficiently and reaches the right recipients, the company coordinates with the local government in the allocation process.”

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About RGE – 

Headquartered in Singapore, RGE is a group of resource-based manufacturing companies with global operations. We produce sustainable natural fibres, edible oils, green packaging and clean natural gas used to create products that feed, clothe and energise the world. We help improve billions of peoples’ lives through sustainable products they use every day. With more than US$35 billion in assets and 70,000 employees, we are creating a more recyclable, biodegradable and lower carbon future.

Committed to sustainable development, conservation and community development, we strive towards what is good for the community, good for the country, good for the climate, good for the customer, and good for the company.  With current operations spanning across Indonesia, China, Brazil, Spain and Canada, we continue to expand and engage new markets.

About Asian Agri – 

Asian Agri is one of Indonesia’s largest palm oil producers. Founded in 1979, the company today manages 100,000 hectares of plantation land and employs over 20,000 people. A pioneer of the Indonesian government’s Trans-National Government Migration (PIR-Trans) programme, Asian Agri actively supports 30,000 scheme smallholders in Riau and Jambi to manage 60,000 hectares of oil palm plantations, and independent smallholders to manage more than 39,000 hectares.

Driven by a steadfast commitment to sustainable development, Asian Agri has adopted a strict “no burn” policy since 1994, The company also embraces best practices in sustainable plantation management, which have enabled its operations and smallholder partners improve productivity, crop yield and supply chain traceability. The company operates 22 crude palm oil mills, all of which are energy self-sufficient, effectively minimising greenhouse gas emissions.

All of the company’s plantations in North Sumatra, Riau, and Jambi have been fully certified to the rigorous standards of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO). Additionally, all its mills have achieved certification from the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC).

Asian Agri’s commitment to sustainable practices extends to its smallholders. All scheme smallholders have successfully obtained both RSPO and ISCC certifications, underscoring its commitment to promoting responsible and sustainable practices throughout its operations and supply chain.

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