Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Thailand’s CKPower won the Asia’s most reputable awards for championing sustainable and responsible business practices

CK Power Public Company Limited (CKPower), one of Southeast Asia’s largest renewable energy players, has won the Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards 2023 for its outstanding practices in “Social Empowerment”

SINGAPORE, Aug. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Recognized as the “gold standard” in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and sustainability practices throughout the region, the Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA) is one of the most prestigious award recognition programs for organizational efforts in creating a culture of compassion, and integrity and in being socially responsible corporate citizens.

“It is our greatest honor to receive this Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards which have reaffirmed our commitment to be a good corporate citizen and a key promoter of the net-zero emission by 2050 through development of our green power plant projects,” said CKPower’s Managing Director Thanawat Trivisvavet.

CKPower is one of Southeast Asia’s largest renewable energy players with one of the lowest carbon footprints. Already having 93% of its installed capacity from renewable power sources, the company will move up the portion further to 95% next year when it completes expansion projects in Thailand and the region that will increase its installed capacity to 4,800 megawatts.

Joining the United Nations Global Compact since 2020, CKPower has initiated several programs to promote sustainable development, value creation projects, and co-creation with all key stakeholders. Among many initiatives, the “Hinghoi Project” – now in its 8th year of consistent efforts, has been well recognized for its achievement in 11 out of 17 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

CKPower’s corporate social responsibility initiatives embody the four core strategies of Competency, Co-Creation, Cooperation, and Connection. Competency in clean energy engineering means that CKPower is leveraging its expertise in clean energy in ways that will empower communities and stakeholders. Co-Creation with the community fosters innovative and sustainable societal advancements while the Cooperation strategy encourages collaborative development, enhancing society’s progress. Last but not least, CKPower’s Connection strategy works with value co-creation partners to strengthen society sustainably.

To bolster sustainability of its social responsible programs, CKPower also plans to establish a renewable energy fund to facilitate development and implementation of more initiatives that will ensuring a brighter, more sustainable future for the involved communities.

“This demonstrates that sustainability is a core value in our operations,” stressed the CKPower’s Managing Director.

The clean energy company also aims to foster social responsibility, awareness, and engagement among its employees. By cultivating a “Giving Culture” in its staff, the company will be able to nurture sustainable relationships across all organizational levels, communities, and network partners, thus, building an inclusive, resilient future.

“CKPower will continue to leverage its expertise with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life in remote areas through power plant operations. The company will be emphasizing its commitment to harnessing renewable energy to drive community development.

“By empowering communities around its power plants and the remote areas in Thailand and the Lao PDR, the company will be able to give children a better quality of life through access to clean energy and essential utilities,” he said.

Since its start in 2016, the “Hinghoi Project” has built 41 public infrastructures which benefited 1,753 youths, and facilitated collaboration among 928 employees, nine communities, and 20 partner networks. With an established 8 learning centers, the company is now promoting sustainability knowledge about renewable energy.

The goal for the “Hinghoi Project” in 2026 is to establish 90 public infrastructures, reach 6,200 youngsters, and promote sustainable development to empower society. The project’s main objective is to provide communities with access to renewable energy, fostering collaboration among 1,279 employees, 13 communities, and 26 partnering networks for project development and establishing 12 learning centers to enhance renewable energy understanding.

About Enterprise Asia

Enterprise Asia is a non-governmental organization in pursuit of creating an Asia that is rich in entrepreneurship as an engine toward sustainable and progressive economic and social development within a world of economic equality. Its two pillars of existence are investment in people and responsible entrepreneurship. Enterprise Asia works with governments, NGOs and other organizations to promote competitiveness and entrepreneurial development, in uplifting the economic status of people across Asia and in ensuring a legacy of hope, innovation and courage for the future generation. Please visit for more information.

About Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA)

The Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards program recognizes and honors Asian businesses for championing sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship in the categories of Green Leadership, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Social Empowerment, Corporate Governance, Circular Economy Leadership, Corporate Sustainability Reporting, and Responsible Business Leadership. For more information, visit:

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