Monday, February 10, 2025

Datuk Ir Teh Kean Ming – Managing Director, JKG Land

Development with Integrity

Entering a highly competitive market is never easy, especially when there are many others with more established credentials. But that is what JKG Land did in 2015 when it ventured into the Klang Valley property market. Previously known as Keladi Maju, it was renowned for developing affordable housing projects in Kedah. Since its debut in the Klang Valley, it has since gained more than a measure of fame, as reflected in the many awards it has won. Managing Director Datuk Ir Teh Kean Ming reveals more.

“We came into the Klang Valley in 2015, when I joined the company to develop the ERA@Duta North project on a 15-acre freehold land in KL.

Because we needed to reposition our market presence in the Klang Valley, a rebranding exercise was carried out. Keladi Maju was changed to JKG Land, a name to be more reflective of what we are doing as the word Land reinforces our identity as a property developer.

Creating the X-Factor

Being relatively new to the Klang Valley, we had to differentiate ourselves. The Segambut area is one with a lot of industries and factories, so we want The ERA to stand out, which is why we came up with the concept of green living and brand the development as an ‘Urban Forest’.

In business today, there is a lot of focus on the triple bottom-line – People, Planet and Profits – and of being a sustainable company. This is something we believe strongly in, which is why we are addressing our carbon footprint by planting trees at The ERA. A total of over 800 trees will be planted to create an oasis of calmness and serenity amid the chaos in the city.

In line with the Urban Forest concept, we are also developing wetlands at The ERA, which will have flora and fauna, and a stream for the residents to enjoy. This presents another challenge because to make sure the stream flows, we need pumps which use energy, and using energy adds on to our carbon footprint. Our solution is to use waste energy from the building to power the pumps. The wetland in the city area is what differentiates us and this provides a holistic living environment for the residents.

We strive to create value for our ERA owners by delivering our promise in providing a conducive living space with high standard end-product.

Setting the Anchor

One really proud moment was that when we launched The ERA, we attracted as many sales (if not more) as other projects nearby, which are developed by more established companies. And this is despite The ERA being priced at a slight premium over our neighbours’. This is important because The ERA is our flagship project in the Klang Valley. It will act as our anchor as well as our launchpad to more success in the region.

Being a developer, my dream is that whenever a purchaser takes over one of our properties, they will be smiling from ear to ear, because we have delivered what we promise. And this is what JKG stands for – standing tall with integrity, being modern, fast, dynamic and passionate.”

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