Thursday, February 13, 2025

Indonesia to be the Pioneer of CCS in the Region: Collaboration in Maintaining Growth towards Low Emission Future

  • ICCSC propels Indonesia as a pioneer, a leader of CCS Hub in the region to maintain its economic growth towards low emission future
  • Stakeholders’ collaboration and actions are crucial in addressing CCS’ challenges in Indonesia

JAKARTA, Indonesia , Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Indonesia has abundant natural resources, including carbon storage with prolific potentials for Carbon Capture Storage (CCS).  Indonesia has been blessed with superior geography and geology. Indonesia is strategically located in the Asia Pacific where the world’s economic growth is projected to accelerate in the next decades to come.  Indonesia is geologically abundant with saline aquifers, perfect for CO2 storage, with 80 to 100 Giga Tonnes of storage capacity.

Offshore oil and gas production platforms and oil processing facilities on Pabelokan Island
Offshore oil and gas production platforms and oil processing facilities on Pabelokan Island

CCS is a proven technology which could support hard-to-abate industries in managing their emissions. Those industries are manufacturing, power generation, refinery, petrochemicals, steels, and cement industry.  Besides the hard-to-abate, those industries are the economy’s building blocks. If those industries could manage their emissions, it will maintain the economic growth and Indonesia’s net-zero ambitions in 2060 or sooner.

“Our vision for Indonesia to be a pioneer, a leader of CCS Hub in the region,” said Dr. Belladonna Troxylon Maulianda, P.Eng, Executive Director Indonesia CCS Center (ICCSC). “We have been collaborating, as a catalyst, in mainstreaming and accelerating CCS in Indonesia.”

However, CCS in Indonesia has also facing several challenges, some of which are regulatory and management, commercial scheme, attractive and competitive fiscal, carbon transport, industrial-scale technology and CCS hub development in Indonesia, which connects various emitters to injection sites in Indonesia. Collaborations and actions from the Indonesian Government, academic institutions, private sectors, and the public play crucial roles for CCS implementation in Indonesia.

From the industry sector, PT Pertamina (Persero) and ExxonMobil welcomed the collaboration initiative by focusing on advancing innovative solutions for a lower-emission future. Pertamina is very enthusiastic in the development of the CCS hub program, as this is not only in line with our commitment to Net Zero emissions (NZE) and decarbonization, but also in order to support government programs.

President Director of PT Pertamina (Perseo), Nicke Widyawati explained, “one of Pertamina’s active roles in carrying out the actual implementation of the CCS/CCUS study has been proven in the Jatibarang field which is the working area of Pertamina EP Cirebon, West Java. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology using CO2 in Jatibarang field has shown positive indications of CO2 injection reservoir with Huff and Puff method.  This system has been carried out on two wells in the Jatibarang field in October and December 2022. Furthermore, there will be pilot interference 2 wells for CO2 flooding and full field scale CO2 EOR.”

From the private sector “ExxonMobil is assessing potentials of CCS hub in Indonesia.  With great collaborations, Indonesia has a huge potential to take the forefront position of low-carbon industry in the region.  It enables Indonesia to accelerate its pace in economic growth while addressing climate changes’ challenges,” said Carole Gall, President ExxonMobil Indonesia.

In-line with the collaboration efforts, ICCSC initiated a Forum entitled International and Indonesia CCS Forum 2023, on 11-12 September, at Mulia Hotel Jakarta with theme, “Pioneering The Energy Landscape Decarbonization Future: Harnessing The Power of CCS Globally for A Cleaner Future and Economic Growth.

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