Sunday, February 16, 2025

Happiness is…Love

I always wondered what love really meant.

I always thought it was an amalgamation of many emotions all rolled into one – happiness, desire, lust, need, respect, a solution for being alone, when it comes to romantic love. And then a whole host of other emotions and concepts such as responsibility, commitment, concern, future-proofing your life, pride, a sense of purpose when it came to children, parents, country and so on.

You can know exactly the definition of each of these singular words that come together to create love but love on its own seemed so difficult to grasp.

I guess that’s because I am a very precise person. I need precise terminology to understand something and the word ‘love’ escapes me most of the time. When I thought I loved someone , years later I realised it was not love, it was just the need of the moment, a space that got filled and I thought it had to be love. But can it be love if it does not remain that same love over years and becomes something else ? If romantic love can evolve into friendly love, then what is the real definition of love?

Maybe love is a universal feeling of loving all beings – people you know and don’t know, no matter what religion, race, colour or creed, and all animals , all sentient beings – loving them as we love ourselves and being happy  knowing that we are all connected in a beautiful way.

Giving ourselves up to the love of everything – the trees, the wind, the bees, the birds, the cows, the pigs, every single human being, the world we live in, the sun that gives us light and warmth, the mountains, the skies. A love that encompasses all and does not seek to divide and become myopic in finite packets.

Maybe when we can love like that, we can solve a lot of the problems in the world.

We start living in a higher level of humanity and start caring compassionately for all life, and being grateful for all that we have. 

Maybe when we can love like that, we can solve a lot of the problems in the world.

We start living in a higher level of humanity and start caring compassionately for all life, and being grateful for all that we have. 

At a time like this, when greed, envy, hate and chaos create constant division at every level of society, the only way we can win is through love.

Love done right and done genuinely has immense energy and power to change even the darkest of worlds. Love is an energy that vibrates at the highest frequency due to its sheer lightness of joy, gratitude, happiness and compassion in comparison to the low base frequencies of fear, anger, hatred, anxiety and depression – we can actually physically lift the world to being a better place by changing the frequencies we feel all around us.

It’s easier said than done, I can almost hear you say as you read this. True. But there is first awareness to a problem and a solution to it. And then there is the power of one person to make that change . If you believe that you could love universally and show it through your thoughts, actions and kindness, those around you will follow.

Little by little a critical mass of people in your community follow suit and then the change happens in a grander scale. One day, we will be able to make this world a truly amazing, magical place to live in.

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