Monday, February 10, 2025

The International Business Review Borneo Awards – Celebrating the Best of Borneo

Inspired by the words of the Premier of Sarawak – YAB Tan Sri Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Abang Openg – during the International Business Review ASEAN Awards 2022 on 9 December, The IBR Asia Group is pleased to announce that the inaugural IBR Borneo Awards will be taking place in July this year in Kuching, Sarawak. More than ever, the IBR Borneo Awards is ready to showcase leaders through a concerted publicity drive culminating in a gala awards presentation ceremony attended by the who’s who of the private and public sectors as well as high-ranking diplomats. The Guests of Honour for this grand event will be the Ministers of Trade of Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia, while the Premier of Sarawak will be our Special Guest for the evening.

The IBR Borneo Awards will honour the best of the best from corporations and government
agencies from Sarawak, Sabah, Labuan, Kalimantan, and Brunei who represent the best in:

For corporations that have achieved exemplary performance in
business operations
For organisations that have led the way in creating and innovating technologies that have improved businesses and
the lives of the people
For government agencies that have excelled in serving their State, the Nation and the People
For visionary corporate leaders who have led their organisations to the top of the mountain

Join the illustrious assembly that will be in the first ever
IBR Borneo Awards coming this July 2023.

The island of Borneo, located in the heart of Southeast Asia, is one of the
most resource-rich and biodiverse areas in the planet. It is also the only one
that is shared by three sovereign nations – Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia.
Drawing on the respective strengths of each nation, Borneo has all the
potential to be the next economic growth hub of the region. And this is why
the Premier of Sarawak and The IBR Asia Group believes there’s a need to
recognise the achievement of businesses from this region.

Nominate your company or your leaders today!
Contact us at or
call us at +603-7732 5886.

To view the video of Tan Sri Abang Johari’s speech, please visit gpXVhXwd3LM or scan the QR code.

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